Find a variety of resources to help get your patients started.

GLASSIA product-related resources

Healthcare professionals icon.

GLASSIA Brochure

Find information on Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and liquid augmentation therapy with GLASSIA.

Dosing and administration guide book icon.

GLASSIA Dosage and Administration Guide

Find dosing and ordering information and step-by-step details on GLASSIA administration for in-office or at-home infusions.

Specialty pharmacy ordering sheet icon.

Specialty Pharmacy Ordering Sheet for GLASSIA

Use the ordering sheet as you work with your patients to determine a specialty pharmacy provider that supplies GLASSIA and is right for your patients.

What GLASSIA patients have to say

Linda is a real patient who self-infuses GLASSIA.
I choose to self-administer* at home
because I need to do the infusions
once a week on my schedule. I love
to travel so it’s important to be able
to infuse when I am away.


Real GLASSIA patient since 2011
Self-infuses at home

Shannon is a real patient who infuses GLASSIA at home with a nurse.
I choose to administer at home
with a nurse because I like having
someone who comes to my house
every week at the same time. She
comes in, we do the infusion, and I
get on with my day.


Real GLASSIA patient since 2022
Infuses at home with a nurse

Vanessa is a real patient who infuses GLASSIA at an infusion center.
I choose to administer at an
infusion center because it’s
convenient for me. I can drop my
daughters off at school, go get my
treatment, and be home even
before they are.


Real GLASSIA patient since 2021
Infuses at the infusion center

Trudy is a real patient who self-infuses GLASSIA at home with a caregiver.
Having the option to infuse at
home on my own* gives me the
flexibility to keep doing the things I
love, like spending time with my


Real GLASSIA patient since 2019
Self-infuses at home with caregiver

*If self-administration is deemed appropriate, ensure that the patient/caregiver receives detailed instructions and adequate training on how to administer in the home or other appropriate setting and has demonstrated the ability to independently administer GLASSIA.

Store GLASSIA at 2 °C to 8 °C (36 °F to 46 °F). Do not freeze. GLASSIA may be stored at room temperatures not exceeding 25 °C (77 °F) for up to 1 month. Once removed from refrigeration, use within 1 month.

People shown are actual GLASSIA patients.
Individual results may vary.

GLASSIA coverage-related resources

Guide for Billing and Coding icon.

Guide for Billing and Coding for GLASSIA

This guide helps support reimbursement of Takeda Alpha-1 augmentation therapies across different sites of care.

Envelop and letter icon.

Sample Letter of Medical Necessity

Use this sample letter to help compile relevant information on why the recommended Takeda augmentation therapy is medically necessary for your patient.

Takeda Patient Support logo.

Getting your patients started on Takeda Patient Support

When you prescribe GLASSIA for your patient, Takeda Patient Support is here for them. We’ll work with their specialty pharmacy (or site of care) to help them get their Takeda treatment, review financial assistance options, and direct them to educational resources.

Insurance coverage icon for 65+.

Insurance Coverage for Patients 65 and Older

This resource helps explain insurance options to your patients who are nearing age 65.

Checklist icon.

A Guide and Checklist for Prior Authorization

Use this checklist for prior authorization and/or appeals for patients on a Takeda therapy for Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency.

Need to enroll your patient? Download and fax a printed start form
to 1-866-861-1752. To learn more about Takeda Patient Support, visit www.takedapatientsupport.com/

Email icon.

Stay connected. Stay informed.

Sign up for more information about GLASSIA.